how to install the script

Script Installation
The installation for all of our scripts are very simple really. Some will vary slightly.
Download the Scripts zip file. Unzip this file with your favorite zip program. Once unzipped, lets open config.php file in your favorite text editor. There are only 2 lines you need to worry about. Find both lines that look like this:

$siteurl = "";     
define('FULL_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); //no ending slash.
Depending on which script you have, the first line could vary some what. Some scripts use

$siteurl = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
or some scripts will have

define('SITE_URL', "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
If you have the last 2 variables then you don't need to do anything with that variable. If you plan on uploading it to the root (public_html) then you do not need to change any of these varaibles. DO NOT change SITE_URL or $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. If you do the script will NOT work. Do not add anything before them either.
So lets say you want to upload it to a folder under root (public_html). We then edit those variables to be this:

$siteurl = "";
define('FULL_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/somefoldername"); //no ending slash.
If you have the other siteurl variable it is like this:

$siteurl = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/somefoldername";
It is very important to NOT change the _SERVER variable. Please keep it exactly like what is shown.
Once those are changed to your liking then lets upload them to your site. Please do not use cpanel to upload the files, it has to be with a FTP software. Cpanel adds empty lines to the files which will cause errors later down the road.
Upload all files and folders in the "Scripts" folder. It is very important to upload all image files in binary format. Also upload Century.ttf, if you have it, as binary as well. The rest of the php/html files can be uploaded in ascii mode. I cannot tell you how to set this as all ftp softwares are difffernet. Please check with the makers of your ftp software if you do not know how. After you have uploaded the files lets chmod 2 folders. We will need to make pictures andadminpanel have writable permissions. Again, I cannot tell you how to do this as all ftp's are different. We need to set these two folders to 777, world writable.
Then, once that is done, lets open your favorite browser and load your site url and run the install.php.

or if you added it to a folder
This will step you through the install of the mysql table. This you must know the information to login into mysql. This information will come from your host or if you have setup your own mysql database. These scripts will not make the database. This must be done prior to install.
Once you have reached the last step and it says you may now log into the admin it also asked you if you want to install .htaccess. This is not required. It is only there if you want an extra layer of protect to the admin panel. It will ask you for a username and password to set this up. Make sure you have permisions from your host ro run this script. Most do but depending on the host it may not. Once you are done lets click the link to open the adminpanel.
Once you are looking at the signup to the admin panel it will ask you to create a admin. Do this once and login to the adminpanel. After you logged in to the adminpanel it is very important to set the permissions back to 755 on the adminpanel folder. You can leave it at world writable if you plan on editing the templates form the admin. Otherwise, set it back to 755 so nobody can access this without being admin on the server. To edit templates you can simply edit them locally on your computer and then upload them.

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